Yesterday I forgot to write this because I was busy, sorry. It was so random but funny. My father came to Poland, 2 weeks after us, and the funny part is :he came on a motorcycle?!?! Wait wait. My father is 43 and has 2 children and a pregnant wife and he is a bit chubby. It is soooooooo weird. How about that? Any funny stories about your parents share them with me because I feel like the only person with weird parents.
<3 <3 <3
P.S. Would you like me to post in Polish as well as English on the Blog?
Czy chcielibyście żebym pisała po Polsku i Angielsku na Blogu?
OdpowiedzUsuńPisz też po polsku a co do
motocyklu to WOW ;D
Jak byś słyszała moje historie xd
Pozdrawiam !!!